Wukong counter wild rift. Tank Counter. Wukong counter wild rift

 Tank CounterWukong counter wild rift  Mundo or Fiora as they will most likely lose to Pantheon

In team fights, the best way to counter Wukong is to look out for his position on the map and watch out for flanks. Banshee’s Veil. Best Wukong Wild Rift build guide for Season 10 Patch 4. -> Using cc after she lands. . Try to turn around when Tryndamere is casting his Mocking shout to save yourself from getting slowed. Use the first cast of 1st, Precision Protocol to last hit minions then walk up the lane to bully the enemy. Best Picks Against Samira : Renekton, Pantheon, Jhin, Akali, Galio,…. Zoe will be looking for picks at the start of the team fight with her Sleepy Trouble Bubble. Reposition after killing him to get away from his Glory from Death. Nami is a pretty good pick against Pyke. He excels in teamfights and has the means to hit remote priority targets. 00:22. Kai’sa has two options for the keystone; Kraken Slayer and Lethal Tempo. Avoid clustering when team fighting against a Shyvana. Similarly, Guardian Angel can come in handy. Below is a list of all League of Legends Wild Rift Counters for each Champion in the Game. Skip to content. 45% lower against Wukong than the average opponent. Darius merupakan Champion Wild Rift yang dapat mengantisipasi Wukong dengan sangat efektif. the Monkey King. Jungle Tier List. Punish him if he misses his hook. Jinx wild rift counter tips: Jinx becomes fairly immobile and easy to gank if her Chompers/Flash are down. This means you will find their Counter Picks, Synergy Combinations, and even Strong Against Match-Ups. 4 has brought Evelynn to the top of the meta, making her one of the featured champions in our Wild Rift tier list. Try to disable (stun/snare/knock-up) him if he uses his. Wukong est un des champions de Wild Rift, le jeu mobile basé sur League of Legends. This enables her to assassinate key targets and still manage to get out of it due to her defenses. When no team fights are occurring, Pyke will be in a side lane split pushing. League of Legends Wild Rift Galio Counters are Fiora, Darius, and Tryndamere, which have the best chance of winning Galio in the lane. Using cc is the best to keep his mobility down and burst him. This is the standard Fiora Wild Rift build which allows her to stand on top of 1v1s almost all the time. Stay away from Tibbers when it’s summoned, as it deals AOE damage. Xin Zhao wild rift counter tips: Using CC in the team can destroy the early game of Xin Zhao. Conqueror is the only Keystone rune for Irelia. Best combo for Fiora: Skill 1 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 2. Iceborn Gauntlet. Use Riposte to block any enemy attacks and consequently slow or stun them. Wukong and his clones' attacks and abilities apply stacks of Crushing Blows. Best Champions. When keeping her whip-blade, Nilah also deals 125 / 225 / 325 (+120% AD) physical damage and pulls nearby enemies toward her. I usually don't bother too much about my adc matchup and more on team composition in general. Olaf. 5 s. The Spellblade passive and increased attack speed brings a great deal of DPS for Shyvana. He's one of the most versatile tanks in Wild Rift. Graves is really strong in the early game and he will look to abuse 1v1 fights in the. Samira’s attacks against enemies affected by Immobilizing effects will dash her to her attack range. Amumu wild rift counter tips: Try not to bunch up against his AOE CC ultimate. Graves wild rift counter tips: Buying armor is strong against Graves because he deals mostly Attack Damage. Using cc and poke him after he uses his shadow so he has no escape. Passive: Gains 150 range for his next attack after casting an ability for 5 seconds. Listed below are the things that Caitlyn Wild Rift will need to win fights. Last hitting minions with Skill 1 will give you some stacks, and that will increase your Skill 1 damage. Fae Mage. Burst Twilight. This will be your main pre-level 5 all-in combo. Her counter is Lee Sin, not Yi. Don’t stand together in lane because Alistar could try to kick away the Support to knock up the ADC and initiate a fight. Jax wild rift counter tips: Avoid attacking him when he turns on his Counter Strike. With practice and this guide, you'll be climbing elo's in no time. Best champion counter picks use against Jayce in Mid Lane are: Ahri, Veigar, Yasuo, and Fizz. Quicksilver Enchant. The best mega tank junglerInsane jarvan knockupsSleeper J4 pickWild Rift Jarvan Jungle GameplayJ4 Wild Rift GuideLeague of Legends Wild Rift GameplayWild Rif. Try blinding him or reducing his attack speed. – Great escape with her ultimate. If I don't have engage I will get shit on due to. Nilah wild rift counter tips: You can use champions have cc skills to lock Nilah at the start of the fight as: Nautilus, Sona, Lux, Leona. Try not to stay near walls, as Vayne’s Condemn will stun you if it knocks you back against a wall. Blade of the Ruined King – Attacks deal bonus damage, increases physical vamp and steals opponents. . Evelynn is difficult to keep track of if you ward in the usual locations. Best Champions. Stacking health will help with Olaf’s true damage. Early game! Make sure you stand in the middle of the lane so it’s easy for you to escape if Kayn springs up nearby. Mercury's Treads - Stasis. 2% win rate. Lore. Just make sure that champiom are up to the challenge, and are willing to go all out against this awful champion. GG analyzes millions of LoL matches. You DO NOT want to pick Nasus or Garen as they will most likely lose to Irelia. Always try to hit the Vitals. – Excellent tower diver. – Great sustain and fast jungle clears. Akshan wild rift counter tips: Don’t chase Akshan in the jungle during the mid-game. Riftmaker – Grants max health, ability power, ability haste and omnivamp. Using Flash to leave the area before he hits the ground using his Hammer stance To the Skies! will completely negate the damage. 0% more expected to obtain first blood. You need stay over 25% health at all times when solo with Urgot. 7 7. Nami. Strength. Do not group to close together as Miss Fortune will be able to hit your whole team with her Ultimate. You DO NOT want to pick Galio or Singed as they will most likely lose to Fiora. Wukong, with his Cyclone skill, can set up big wombo-combos. Le build recommandé (items, runes, sorts à maxer en priorité. Matches. Stop him from backing in lane will immensely help you because Corki’s abilities cost a LOT of mana. Find the latest Wukong build, strategies, tips and tricks for Wild Rift in 2023 and climb up in the ranks. Jungle Tier List. Malphite wild rift. Doing so will make his all-in less effective. You can attack Teemo when his Blinding Dart expires. Kai’Sa is not the best in the early game because she has a short auto attack range. Vi wild rift counter tips: Her Denting blows will grant her additional attack speed and shred your armor. Get ready for this and attempt to invade in order to postpone his power spike as long as you can. Look out for Vex’s Ultimate Shadow Surge as she can use it to pick enemies off. . Versatile Itemization. General Counter Tips. Zed wild rift counter tips: If Zed ultimate in a teamfight and gets low, get someone to stand at his shadow so when he switches back you can kill him. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Ashe and Olaf are good with. Vex Build Guide for Wild Rift Author: iTzSTU4RT Build Vex with confidence with the help of WildRiftFire's build guides. Player made terrain will interrupt his ultimate as: Jarvan IV, Anivia, Azir, Trundle,…. Try to dodge Urgot’s Corrosive Charge and Disdain in the laning phase. 2. This would be her all-in level 5 combo. Champs listed by lowest win rate matchups vs Wukong in World Emerald +. Brutal – Brutal further increases his early game. Try to dodge Urgot’s Corrosive Charge and Disdain in the laning phase. -> Try not to duel against a Vi for an extended amount of time. If he doesn’t clone or dash onto you for the second cast of the spin, and is instead running, you should probably wait it out. Gwen wild rift counter tips: Extended trades will always work in her favour, especially once she completes an item or two. While having the physical vamp, the shield that it provides when a champion. Formula CDR = 1 - (1/ [1 + AH]) you may do some calculations with this and discover how small is the difference between CD of abilities with 65 AH and with 90. Back away when low so he is unable to kill you and snowball his lead. Being in a group or clunking up together is very dangerous especially when Ekko. Kai’Sa has a very unique passive, Second Skin; when Kai’Sa buys items, her basic. Wukong Wild Rift is strong against: Master Yi, Vi, Amumu . Champion fighter ini tergolong sangat kuat dengan damage yang kuat serta lincah. Be cautious when fighting an Olaf with low hp. Pantheon wild rift counter tips: Take care in the early game as Pantheon will try to skirmish frequently and go for kills. Nick Frijia. Last updated on November 8th, 2023. Removes all crowd control. Skill1’s Wukongs reduces your armor temporarily. He can adapt his build and playstyle to each game and can be played as a full tank, tanky bruiser, split pusher, and sometimes you can even build Sion as an AD assassin or bruiser. Wukong isn't countered by Rammus, but by Olaf, Wukong core itens are Balck Cleaver and Divine Sunderer, He can proc the Black Cleaver Passive with his ultimate and attack when Rammus W is not UP and give a ton of damage, Now Olaf is way worse. Enemies that are hit for the first time are knocked up. Wukong wild rift. Best champion counter picks use against Shen in Bottom Lane are: Vayne, Lulu, Teemo, and Morgana. Immortal Shieldbow – Increases your attack damage and attack speed and grants physical vamp. Best Picks Against Gwen: Singed, Kayle, Olaf, Akali, Jax, Yone,. Thresh Katarina Ziggs Twisted Fate Yasuo Volibear Riven Orianna Vi Xin Zhao Alistar Nautilus Shen Wukong Ekko Gragas Darius Irelia Gragas Jarvan IV Sett Malphite Kayn - Rhaast Ezreal Tristana. Wukong Build Guide for Wild Rift Author: iTzSTU4RT Build Wukong with confidence with the help of WildRiftFire's build guides. Zeri wild rift counter tips: Play overwhelm Zeri before level 6 and try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. Based on playstyle, we consider this champion Hard To Play. Rammus wild rift. Date : 2023-08-31 By : Dara . Rammus Counters. Pantheon wild rift counter tips: Take care in the early game as Pantheon will try to skirmish frequently and go for kills. In our Wild Rift Warwick build, we recommend using either Lethal Tempo or Grasp of the Undying. S+ Tier Currently the best champions in Wild Rift! These champions are very hard to counter and have the ability to carry and win every game. Worst Picks Against Lee Sin: Nunu,…. Jungle Tier List. Counter de Wukong. Nasus Build. Try not to group too closely when Vladimir has ultimate. Fires an explosive charge that deals 110 physical damage (25/85/145/205 + 70% ) and slows by 45/50/55. Who does Nasus counter wild rift? League of Legends Wild Rift Nasus Counters are Akali, Pantheon,. 3s). g. Avoid trading with Pantheon when his Passive has lots of stacks as he will deal lots of damage in a trade. All Posts. Avoid picking champions with DoT against Galio, as this will let him heal even more from his Bulwark. 5! AUTHOR. Try to use CC to shut her down or peel her away from you and your allies as soon as she engages. Spellblade procs perfectly with wukong combos and the extra movement speed when chasing enemies is perfect when paired with Nimbus Strike. Publié le 26/12/2020 à 13:48 par Drui. You DO NOT want to pick Xin Zhao or Dr. Be sure to check back each new patch for updated rankings. Miss Fortune is very vulnerable when she is channeling her ultimate. A statistical breakdown of the Wukong vs Gragas matchup in the Jungle. Blade of the Ruined King – Grants damage. Jax Counters. His Dragon Strike ability can shred you. Keep an eye on how many empowered stacks she has. Or Sunfire Aegis, Dead Man’s Plate, Spirit Visage, Thornmail and Guardian Angel. Try to avoid a short range fight against him. Hide. Using bladesurge on an enemy champion instantly uses the spellblade passive allowing it to deal more damage. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Orianna and Katarina are good with Jarvan IV. This is the recommended build for beginners as the added HP and sustain will help her fight her enemies head-on. Gragas wild rift. Shoot skillshot spells where hes about to land such as bind as it’ll stop his movement before he lands and he’ll. Stay behind minions so you won’t get hit by his Mystic Shots. These picks are weak against Wukong at many stages of the game. Try to stand as far back as possible and away from her to reduce her chances of putting you to sleep. Try to disable (stun/snare/knock-up) him if he uses his. Kha'Zix. Crystalline reflector on the other hand is a situational item that. Twisted Fate has a lot of potential to roam around and get your team ahead. Only the center of her ultimate stuns, and it can easily be dodged with proper reaction. Crushing Blows. Conqueror – Grants additional damage for each hit you make. When Aurelion Sol pushes and roams, make sure you ping as soon as he goes missing. Baron Lane Tier List. Focusing her when she don’t have much will surely give you some advantage. Wukong is a Fighter/Tank champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift. The best counter picks against Wukong Wild Rift - Baron Lane. Baron Lane Tier List. The best time to trade with a Riven in lane is right after she uses her skill1 to poke. Avoid the target that Galio uses Bulwark on. If you have a silence or an aggressive cc like Leona you can. Pair the Monkey King with Oriannawho can easily follow up with her own ultimate skill. Dealing damage to him will trigger it. Avoid fighting in the jungle. 46% of the time which is 13. Champs listed by lowest win rate matchups vs Wukong in World Emerald +. The best counter picks against Jayce Wild Rift - Mid Lane. Looking to fight when she has very little of either of them will increase your chances of killing her. Fighting near minions will be helpful as they will block some of her damage. 1 ABILITIES. Be wary of standing next to enemy minions, as it provides Braum the opportunity to. Buy items with Armor and attack speed reduction against her. While there is a concept of counter picks, don't forget that it boils down to your own ability to play a certain matchup. This Diana Wild Rift build balances offense and defense. ABILITIES. Quicksilver Enchant: Removes all crowd control (except knock-ups and knock-backs) effects currently affecting you, and gain 50% bonus movement speed for. Jax wild rift counter tips: Avoid attacking him when he turns on his Counter Strike. Wukong Wild Rift is good with: Tristana, Lulu, Yasuo. Try to stand as far back as possible and away from her to reduce her chances of putting you to sleep. Este campeón de League of Legends es bastante bueno, ya que puede aumentar su armadura y resistencia mágica por cada enemigo cercano. Aurelion Sol wild rift counter tips: Aurelion Sol is quite vulnerable to ganks since he has to push the wave. Best Champions. When he ultimate, try to dodge his shurikens so he will not have a lot of dommage. Fiora wild rift counter tips: Always keep in mind that Soraka is able to cure all her allies in an instant. Akali wild rift counter tips: Coordinated ganks and aggressive play before she reaches level 6 are effective ways to stop her. You should stand inside or around the minion wave to make it hard for Zeri to harass you. Do not group to close together as Miss Fortune will be able to hit your whole team with her Ultimate. Poke him in lane as often as you can as it will disrupt his ‘Siphoning Strike’ farming. Best Counter Picks from the Best Data. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. Back away when low so he is unable to kill you and snowball his lead. If she has 3, play safer as her next ability will be much stronger. Kennen wild rift counter tips: Kennen is really good in team fights. When soloing with Sett at Top, you need to limit fighting and not let him defeat you early. Kai’Sa is vulnerable to CC. Counter Wukong Wild Rift. Avoid clustering too tightly when in a team battle since Ornn can utilize his Ultimate (Call of. + One of the best duelists in the game. Below is a detailed breakdown of. Make sure the Dragon is always in your line of sight. Be aware of his high burst aoe combo and try not to chase in a line or group up. General Counter Tips. Every attack by Karma, if followed up by the ADC, can restore a minimal portion of health, which in turn can save your life at. Try to end the game as quickly as possible so she is unable to be really. Immortal Shieldbow – Increases your attack damage and attack speed and grants physical vamp. Best Champions. Previous: Wukong Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips. This plays well when you have a tank or initiator in your team, preferably both. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Best Champions. Try to pick champions that can CC him (e. g. CRUSHING BLOWS. Nasus will mostly do Physical Damage and is really tanky. Divine Sunderer is another excellent item for Irelia. Take a cc holding toplaner, if he ults you can keep him busy. Range advantage. Make sure you keep the objectives warded at all time so you can see. Wukong Wild Rift: is a mobile assassin fighter. This leads to some bruisers and assassins to go after her first before the carries. Try to avoid pushing your lane against Nasus, as he can. Tips and tricks for how to play Sett and counter your enemies. Mundo as they will most likely lose to Jax. Avoid early fights, because his stun is unbearable and does an unexpected lot of dmg against squishies. Egyptian God of Fighting. A statistical breakdown of the Wukong vs Teemo matchup in the Top Lane. 6. Xin Zhao Build Breakdown. Try to push the wave back and start taking Tower plates if you’re unable to match his roam. Armed with an enchanted staff, Wukong seeks to prevent Ionia from. Counters – Champions that have a considerable advantage against a specific Champion. LOL Builds; Blog; admin June 25, 2021 December 29, 2021. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. 2 patch update, Wu Kong is still a solid jungler. Olaf wild rift counter tips: Olaf can’t chase you if you prevent him from catching his axes. Menu. He uses a mix of attack damage with auto-attacks and magic damage with his poke against the enemies to kill them. That's why you should always aim at the characters that are at the top of the Wild Rift tier list,. Dengan tingkat durability dan offensive yang tinggi, Darius menjadi Champion Counter yang sangat ideal untuk melawan Wukong. When Pyke hits level 6, his kill pressure increases. Avoid fighting in the jungle. Beast in Early/Mid-game. Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Wukong in Wild Rift ARAM Mode. 🦜 El MEJOR canal para MEJORAR¿Quieres mejorar?🤨👇👇HAZ CLIC👇👇 Guías de ADC. Alistar’s Pulverize) and displacements (e. If feels like it's easier to juke people in LOL using wukong's 2nd than in wild rift. 6% of the time the champions fight one another in. Active which can deny Vi’s Assault and Battery. This Teemo Wild Rift build is exactly what you need if you’re aiming to fully release Teemo’s full damage potential. Skip to content. Hide Jungle In the Jungle48. . Hi Masters Wukong here. On vous donne toutes les astuces et recommandations pour jouer Wukong, le Roi des singes, sur League of Legends Wild Rift. Try and lock her down at the start of the fight so she is unable. Stacks up to 5 times. You DO NOT want to pick Dr. Sona will seldom win trades if she takes any kind of. Wins solo lanes. İ mean winning the lane against ornn is still better than dying to ornn and giving him more gold to. Use items that provide Grevious Wounds like: Mortal Reminder or Morellonomicon. Dont chase her into the bushes she can. Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills, overall kills, early lead ratio, comeback ratio, and win percent to give the whole picture of that champion's effectiveness as a counter pick. Ashe wild rift counter tips: Buying a Quicksilver Sash will remove Ashe’s Ultimate stun. Sion wild rift counter tips: Avoid Sion’s shockwave by not staying behind your minions. 6% when countering Wukong with these. EXCESSIVE FORCE: Vi’s next attack blasts through her target, dealing damage to enemies behind it. In order to find him before he engages, guard your sides. Vayne. Each role will be organized by ranks (S, A, or B), along with difficulty ratings (easy, average, or hard). Weak Against Strong Against Good With; Wukong Wild Rift is weak against: Gragas, Shyvana, Ekko. Always be prepared to dodge her ultimate by side stepping away from the red line. For this, we need items like the ones mentioned as it grants damage, health and armor, which are stats that usual and typical bruisers need. Ekko wild rift counter tips: Pick a champion with high mobility. Wukong wild rift. You need placing wards over walls near lanes instead of lane bushes will be more effective at spotting Kayn. Vayne is worst pick against Vladimir, Yasuo, and Swain these champion can easily out damage Vayne. Date : 2023-08-31 By : Dara . Galio wild rift. Baron Lane Tier List. League of Legends Wild Rift Fiora Counters are Pantheon, Teemo, and Wukong, which have the best chance of winning Fiora in the lane. + One of the best champions for solo carrying games. 3 Wild Rift Wukong Runes. Try to get as far as possible when he using ultimate. Wukong is a Fighter/Tank champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift. See which champion is the better pick with our Gragas vs Wukong matchup statistics. Strong then mastered. Ability. General Counter Tips. This wouldn’t be a problem if his shield wasn’t enormous. As Warwick has a strong early game, try to equal his pressure by ganking just as much as him. Lulu and Morgana are the best support picks against Shen, Shen can gank bottom lane anytime when he got ultimate, with Lulu or. General Counter Tips. League of Legends: Wild Rift is coming to mobile and console! Team up with friends and test your skills in 5v5 mobile MOBA combat. When Pyke hits level 6, his kill pressure increases. Fiddlesticks has the ability to take down large targets with. Lee Sin wild rift counter tips: Sonic Wave is his main damage source, avoid getting hit by it at all costs. Cons. Mundo or Kennen as they will most likely lose to Galio. Kassadin gets completely countered by AD damage early game due to him being melee and having a passive only strong against AP. Use Teemo, Olaf, or Pantheon. Lunar Fighter. Phase Rush helps Darius when ganking and in team fights so he can get stacks to execute enemies with his Ultimate. When Riven bought at least these three pieces in her build, she performed significantly better against Wukong than with many other common item sets. Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Vision will make ganking harder for Lillia, especially post 6. The items base stats help her deal a lot of damage and have a bit of survivability. The following items grant lots of ability power and magic penetration, and also allows him to deal true damage. Alice Labrecque. We’ll show you which Wild Rift champions are the strongest at the moment and give you the best results to climb the ladder. 56 % 51. On average, he wins a lowly 48. Wukong Top has a 50. He is hard to counter and when you understand his matchups at top you will go even/win most matchups especially if you start DShield. Baron Lane Tier List. Make sure the Dragon is always in your line of sight. The best way to kill Annie is to go for her immediately after she misses her stun. Kassadin wild rift counter tips: Always remember that Kassadin only counters all AP champions so, sending AD champs like Zed, Yasuo, Riven & Fiora in the mid lane. League of Legends Wild Rift Pantheon Counters are Olaf, Jarvan IV, and Riven, which have the best chance of winning Pantheon in the lane. Steel Tempest is very narrow. She’s got all the ingredients for being an OP champion in this patch. While Wukong does have a higher win rate compared to Jax, when facing one another, Wukong also has a lower learning curve that makes him a less complex character to learn. Middle Tier List. 33% higher against Wukong than the average opponent. In Wukong vs Teemo matches, Wukong’s team is 0. Malphite es un Campeón que tiene un único rol dentro de un equipo y es actuar como una unidad Tanque. Lillia is known for doing a lot of magic damage from her abilities, which also reflects in the build. Ward your flanks so you spot him before he is able to get on top of your team. General Counter Tips. Mercury’s Treads – This boots are a good counter to high AP and crowd control team compositions. Champion Information. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Thresh and Darius are good with Draven. Try and keep trades short so she is unable to activate her Passive on you. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Wukong. Active: Wukong extends his staff and spins to gain 30% bonus movement speed, dealing physical damage over 2 seconds. Don’t trade early, if you don’t think that you’re ahead. Te mostramos los 5 champions que hacen counter a Wukong, ordenados por winrate para que de un simple vistazo sepas cuál es la mejor elección frente a este campeón de League of Legends. League of Legends Wild Rift Garen Counters are Camille, Gragas, and Teemo, which have the best chance of winning Garen in the lane. The cooldown is also reduced when in Shadow Assassin form. When facing Garen, you can always maintain a safe distance by using your surfing skill. Passive: Gains 150 range for his next attack after casting an ability for 5 seconds. And, both Conqueror and her passive are designed so that the longer the fight, the stronger the damage she deals. Wukong Counter. Learning and understanding Wukong fundamentals is one way of becoming a better player and climbing the ranked ladder. If he is out of vision or goes invisible, start backing away and don’t group with your team or else he might catch all 5 of you in his ultimate. Thanks to his 2, Ruthless Predator, he can easily apply two to three stacks of the Sunder passive which is a stacking armor shred. Easy to CS. Reposition quickly with Lunge, then follow it up with Bladework to hit the enemy twice in a short span of time. Great teamfight potential. Ensure that you’re always behind the minion wave and not inside it. The following are some of the AP Champions available in LOL: Wild Rift: ⦁ Ahri ⦁ Akali ⦁ AlistarWukong vs Nasus Matchup Summary.